Patient Guide
Patient/Family Instructions
You will need to do some things at home to get ready for surgery. These simple instructions are important to aid your surgery and recovery.
Please arrange to have a responsible adult with you the day of surgery. This person will be responsible for your transportation to and from the surgery center. You will not be allowed to drive if you have had anything other than local anesthesia.
We recommend you have someone with you at home for at least 24 hours following your surgery.
All minors (18 years or under) must be accompanied by one parent or legal guardian (both parents are welcome). Please note: You must remain in the surgery center if you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor under the age of 18.
If you are traveling a distance, you may want to bring a pillow or blanket for your trip home.
Plan to be at AMPSC an average of three to five hours. Your total time here will vary depending upon type of surgery and individual response to anesthesia.
If you are accompanying a small child, we encourage you to bring a special toy or blanket for their added comfort.
If you smoke, try to quit as far before surgery as you can. Smoking makes problems after surgery more likely.
Refrain from drinking alcohol, including beer and wine, at least two days before surgery.
- Please notify your doctor if you develop any illness, communicable disease or if you have a temperature over 99 degrees within 24 hours of your surgery.